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- Big Tech & Their Favourite Deep Learning Techniques
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- Predicting Time to Cook, Arrive, and Deliver at Uber Eats
- Microsoft Releases DialogGPT AI Conversation Model
- Michael Berthold on End-to-End Data Science Using KNIME Software
- The Economics of Data Businesses
- Data diffs: Algorithms for explaining what changed in a dataset
- Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later
- Andrew Ng: Unbiggen AI The AI pioneer says it’s time for smart-sized, “data-centric” solutions to big issues
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- Anatomy of an AI System
- A visual introduction to machine learning
- Deep Learning Is Hitting a Wall
- S.E.P.I.A. - Your own digital voice-assistant
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- The Neurologist Who Hacked His Brain—And Almost Lost His Mind
- How to protect your machine learning models against adversarial attacks
- Beethoven never finished his 10th Symphony. Computer scientists just did
- Using DeepSpeed and Megatron to Train Megatron-Turing NLG 530B, the World’s Largest and Most Powerful Generative Language Model
- 사람이 의견 바꿀 때 뇌에선 무슨 일 벌어지나?
- Huemint uses machine learning to create unique color schemes for your brand, website or graphic
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- AI and Machine Learning Salaries Drop But average U.S. tech salaries climbed nearly 7 percent in 2021
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- Using AI to bring children’s drawings to life
- Neural Instrument Cloning from very few samples
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- Introducing TorchRec, a library for modern production recommendation systems
- Goopt is an experiment in what the "procedural web" could be.
- The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure
- Machine Learning is Still Too Hard for Software Engineers
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- The US Copyright Office says an AI can’t copyright its art
- New Study Disavows Marshmallow Test’s Predictive Powers
- Neural nets are not "slightly conscious," and AI PR can do with less hype
- New atomic clock loses only one second every 300 billion years
- List of Life-like cellular automata
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- How a 13-year-old used my artificial nose to diagnose pneumonia
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- 카카오가 공개한 초거대 AI, 점수 과장됐다
- My Approach to Automatic Musical Composition
- Sci-Hub collected a database of 88,343,822 research documents, freely available for download.
- Optimize AI/ML workloads for sustainability: Part 1, identify business goals, validate ML use, and process data
- 읽을거리
- The new silent majority: People who don't tweet
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- 딥마인드 MuZero AI가 유튜브 비디오 압축을 개선
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- Disaster planning for regular folks
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- The Unreasonable Math of Type 1 Diabetes
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- The Rule of 72
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- ‘중국공산당의 제갈량’ 왕후닝, ‘중국식 유신’을 설계하다
- What have we got to lose?
보너스: 너무 당연히 초심자는 자기가 뭘 모르는지 모른다. 뭘 모르는지 알면 구글링 하거나 적임자에게 질문하면 되는데, 뭘 모르는지 모르니까 요점이 없을 수 밖에 없다. via @LearnerBR
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