(오늘의 짤방: a lot of people don't know this - C actually lets you do arithmetic with mixed types, much like JavaScript via @lunasorcery)
개발 관련 소식
- 팁과 유틸리티
- How I learned to stop worrying and structure all writing as a list
- Zotero 6: Your research workflow, transformed
- 아이넷 네트워크 스캐너 리뷰 | 로컬 네트워크 현황을 '한눈에'
- "유니버설 컨트롤 vs. 사이드카" 맥OS 확장 기능 선택 가이드
- PDF API – Generate, convert, and modify PDF documents
- Lapce is written in pure Rust, with UI in Druid.
- (슬랙) 대화를 분할 보기로 열기
- 구글 스프레드 시트, 최대 셀수를 1천만개로 확장 (zapier.com)
- flaticon - Access +6.8M vector icons & stickers
- PDF 번역 프로그램 (blueai.co.kr)
- The Hacker's Diet
- 프로그래밍
- Inside look at modern web browser (part 1)
- Inside look at modern web browser (part 2)
- Inside look at modern web browser (part 3)
- Inside look at modern web browser (part 4)
- alexandria search engine: source code
- How to Not Lose Your Job to Low-Code Software
- From Numerical to Categorical
- Behind the painstaking process of creating Chinese computer fonts
- Kaitai Struct - A new way to develop parsers for binary structures.
- shot-scraper-template - 웹 페이지 스크린샷을 저장하는 GitHub Repo만들기 (simonwillison.net)
- Gradle 7.4 Introduces Aggregated Test Reports
- H.264 is Magic
- 파이썬, 표준 라이브러리에서 ‘사용하지 않는 배터리’ 제거한다
- '프로젝트 룸' 최신 자바 동시성 모델 따라잡기
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- Cloudflare Pages is a JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites.
- JRebel Java Development Trends and Analysis 2022
- Class Central - 온라인 강의 검색엔진 (classcentral.com)
- Tiny renderer or how OpenGL works: software rendering in 500 lines of code
- What's new with Java 17 and containers?
- 로컬 개발환경에서 HTTPS 이용하기 (auth0.com)
- Let’s Get Rid of Time Zones, Not Just Daylight Savings
- New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4
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- To Save C, We Must Save ABI
- sed-circuit-simulator - a digital circuit simulator written in sed.
- avatar - Self-hosted service for creating random avatars (Inspired by github default avatars)
- Level up Your Java Performance with TornadoVM
- mitnal - Twitter client for UEFI.
- Comfort of Bloated Web
- 6 .NET Myths Dispelled — Celebrating 21 Years of .NET
- ROAPI - 정적 데이터에 대한 Read Only API 생성도구 (github.com/roapi)
- The Art of Plain Text
- Inspecting Web Views in macOS
- Git Command Explorer
- RISC-V J Extension
- Convert curl commands to Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, Go, Rust, Elixir, Java, MATLAB, Ansible URI, Strest, Dart or JSON
- 2022년 2월 월간 크롬 이슈
- Linux 5.18 Plans To Switch From C89 To C11/GNU11 C Version
- Yao - 웹서비스와 대시보드를 쉽게 생성하는 로우코드 엔진 (github.com/YaoApp)
- 500라인으로 만드는 리눅스 컨테이너 (2016) (blog.lizzie.io)
- monkey-compiler - Implement a compiler for the Monkey programming language.
- CXX — safe interop between Rust and C++ - This library provides a safe mechanism for calling C++ code from Rust and Rust code from C++. It
- Toward a better list iterator for the kernel
- How to use httpx, a web client for Python
- GJK: Collision detection algorithm in 2D/3D
- #100DaysOfCode Front-End Development
- Barcode Detection API (from MDN)
- Bugs in Hello World
- RPA 1.0이 ‘원 트릭 포니’였던 이유
- WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas
- Unraveling the JPEG
- clib - Package manager for the C programming language.
- Google developer documentation style guide
- Microsoft GW-BASIC Interpreter Source Code: comments
- buffet - All-inclusive Buffer for C
- micropolisJS - 오리지널 심시티 클론 (graememcc.co.uk)
- Make - 노코드 자동화 도구 (make.com)
- Unit testing with Python
- :latest 를 사용하지 마세요 (platformers.dev)
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- Neothesia: GPU-accelerated open-source MIDI visualization game in Rust
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- Plates is a native PHP template system that’s fast, easy to use and easy to extend.
- Must-Know Python Libraries
- CORS에서 이기는 방법
- Cello is a library that brings higher level programming to C.
- Infer - A tool to detect bugs in Java and C/C++/Objective-C code before it ships
- JQL — Rust based JSON Query Language
- Photoshop's journey to the web
- Turing Complete is a game about computer science.
- CodeSee Helps Developers ‘Understand the Codebase’
- Kerla is a monolithic operating system kernel written from scratch in Rust which aims to be compatible with the Linux ABI, that is, it runs Linux binaries without any modifications.
- DevOps
- Introducing SSH command logging
- Making the world’s fastest website, and other mistakes
- Podman, Registry 없이 컨테이너 이미지 전송 가능 (redhat.com)
- The future of Kubernetes – and why developers should look beyond Kubernetes in 2022
- A visual map of a Kubernetes deployment
- Command-line Tools can be 235x Faster than your Hadoop Cluster
- Ethr is a cross platform network performance measurement tool written in golang.
- 설계
- 하드웨어
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- How to waste your career, one comfortable year at a time
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- How NAT traversal works
- CloudFlare Releases Open Source Implementation of Network Time Security Protocol
- Microsoft Exploring Rust as the Solution for Safe Software
- "피싱, SNS˙클라우드 넘어 금융으로 확대”
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- MASSCAN: Mass IP port scanner
- 클라우드
- AWS Cloud Adoption Framework - 클라우드 기반 디지털 트랜스포메이션 가속화(by AWS)
- AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner
- 오라클 “데이터 과학 대중화, 오라클이 앞장선다”
- AWS는 경쟁자인가 파트너인가
- 많은 기업이 클라우드에 돈을 낭비하는 이유
- ‘구름’ 올라탄 클라우드 10개사, 매출 고공행진
- Building Password Purgatory with Cloudflare Pages and Workers
- “애저, AWS를 능가하다” 플렉세라 2022 클라우드 현황 보고서
- Building serverless multi-Region WebSocket APIs
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- 데이터베이스
- The evolution of DBMS popularity in the DB-Engines Ranking, 2013-2022
- “데이터 계층을 위한 탄력적 컴퓨팅” 서버리스 데이터베이스의 이해
- ws4sqlite is a server application that, applied to one or more SQLite files, allows to perform SQL queries and statements on them via REST (or better, JSON over HTTP).
- How we optimized PostgreSQL queries 100x
- SQLite Online
- pg-osc: Zero downtime schema changes in PostgreSQL
며칠 전에 고인이 된 크리스토퍼 알렉산더의 마지막 인터뷰.
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